The weekend is almost upon us. Here are a few suggestions to make it a good one.
+ Take some time to go hiking in the rain or grab a blanket and find a secluded spot in the forest to read a book and daydream. Nature is waiting there for you; take advantage of her.
+ Go on a bike ride to a park or farmer's market or river--or, simply bicycle to get purposefully lost and discover some hidden nook of your city.
+ Get together with friends and do something spontaneous.
+ If you haven't already, pull out the fall clothing box. Reacquaint yourself with your favorite sweater, wrap the scarf that smells like last winter around your throat, and put on that wool hat and dance around the room.
+ I know it's tough to get up early on weekends, but take one morning to wake up before the dawn; make yourself some tea or coffee, wrap yourself in a blanket, and sit outside to watch the sunrise. Let the steam curl around your face and suck in and savor the crisp fall air.
And no matter what else you do, make sure your weekend is a good one.