
one word and some modge podge.

For the past few years, I've chosen a word to ruminate on as the moments roll on by. One word to think about throughout three hundred and sixty five days. A word to cling to and dwell upon in the midst of hard days, good days, and all the simple, sweet days in between. After mulling it over for a week or so, I stumbled upon my word and as soon as I said it aloud, I knew with a surety that this was mine to ponder for 2012. I couldn't stop smiling and my heart thrilled as the word reverberated deep with a trueness and aspirations I hope will be made manifest.

Last year, I began to find my voice and discover who I am. This year, I'm ready to step forward in faith and become who I'm created to be. I'm ready to be a woman more in love with my Savior; a photographer dedicated to celebrating everyday stories; a writer who speaks with truth and says complicated things simply; an artist with my unique voice; a sister, daughter, and friend who listens and loves more; a singer and pianist who plays with more depth; and a young woman who is wholly, and unequivocally, herself.

To not fear, to step forward, and to embrace this life I've been given. To create art even when no one else understands it; to see beauty in the ordinary; to be steadfast, diligent, and hard-working; see my shortcomings not as failures, but as opportunities to grow; to push the limits, step out of the box, and off the beaten path; to not compare, but to celebrate; to live with a gratefulness that permeates and a joy that is contagious; and to let what others think, fears I may have, and anything that holds me back to roll off my shoulders and simply be.

So this year, my word is Be. And to celebrate it, I created a collage of words and images that tell of who I want to be, and who I am becoming. Plastered on the page, are hopes, sticky with excitement, staring me in the face. Text that reminds me and pictures that encourage and a board that inspires me to a greater depth of character and a trueness of self. Be.

Your Word Collage


A canvas
Modge Podge + a foam brush


Go through your magazines and look for images and text that speak to you. Not just things that are inspiring, but photos and phrases that celebrate your word and your voice. After you've cut them out, brush over your entire canvas with modge podge and start sticking your cut-outs on. It takes some rearranging and switching, but once you've found the right way, you'll know. After all the images are firm on the canvas, brush over the entire board with modge podge again. It should look like it has a semi-transparent layer of white over the images, but it'll dry clear (or with a slight gloss if you choose a gloss modge podge). After it drys, hang it up, and let it echo your word through the rest of the year.

Remember, embrace, and become.

What's your word for 2012?


  1. So so so so lovely.
    Do you play the piano well? I remember you saying last year that you wanted to play more because you didn't play much. :)

  2. creative idea. my word for 2012 is "revive".

  3. I'm so going to do this when I get home from vacation! Lovely idea!

  4. This was beautiful. No, more than beautiful. This post was just amazing. Aw, I just absolutely loved this. Do you play the piano?

  5. So Beautiful, Hannah!! I think my word for 2012 is going to be 'rejoice'! There's a lot of things happening this next year, and i want to be able to rejoice through it all.
    I think I'll definitely have to try this project out!

  6. Simply beautiful Hannah. And a beautiful reminder. By word for 2012 is bloom. I love how when you find it, if feels right and you know. Sends shivers down my spine. Thanks for this.

  7. This is beautiful. :) I love the one word thing. It always is the perfect way to make a year more than it would have been. My word is "roam."

  8. My word... I'm making a video about it. Which, to my friends from primary school, would instantly let them know what the word is!
    This canvas is such a clever idea. Thanks for sharing, Hannah.

  9. My word is "hope", well actually it was suppose to be "fearless" but I changed it because I thought "hope" would be more fitting for my year.

  10. My one word for 2012 is Dream...and I am so going to do a dreamcatcher board!

  11. this is beautiful, hannah!!! I haven't quite found a word for this year yet, but I hope to soon. ;)

  12. what an awesome idea! a word for every year, i love that.

  13. Brilliant idea! I'm going to have to make one, too. :]

  14. love this, hannah. so so very much. I'm definitely doing this later on! my word, I think, is fearless. not sure entirely what it entails or means yet, but I'm ready and excited for this year.

  15. Love this. :) Your clip outs and arrangement are so cute...as are your boots! hope you have a good year with your word...I think you made the right choice.

  16. I love your outfit!

    Oh, that's a hard one! I could have hundreds of words. It might sound funny, but I think that my is "be".

    abbie /// xoxox

  17. so funny! I made an art portfolio for my sister's Christmas present this way using a converted manila folder. just an adaptation to your creation.

    please drop by my blog sometime and say hello.




  18. This is a lovely project- I definitely want to try this. :) We're going to be moving soon, and with the fresh start our whole family has long been needing, I am collecting different ideas for how I want to decorate my new room. I want to make it more me.

    My word for 2012, and basically the theme of my life right now is "unbroken". I've been through a lot recently, and I am reminding myself everyday that no matter what happens, God is still in control, and I am unbroken. :)


  19. Oh, this post just breathes. Everything you wrote just echoed in my thoughts. The pictures are beautiful, and so is the modge podge board! Love it.
    I haven't come up with a word for 2012 yet. I suppose I'll have to be thinking about it more seriously now. ;)

  20. i think that all through this post i found myself saying "amen" about 20 times. and then i found myself on the verge of tears. because this is so true, like you said. my word for this year is "compose" because i am composing my life, and i'm listing some of the things that i want to create with it. this goes right along with the flow. i'm so making one of these. i love this idea.
    great post :))
    -jocee <3
    {pee ess: i love how kimberly said that this post just breathes. that's a beautiful way to put it.}

  21. you're amazing with words, Hannah. just incredible.

  22. This post was beautiful. ;) You are a gifted writer, Hannah.

    I love your word.

    The word I have chosen is Embrace, because I want to embrace each plan God has for me, without just waiting for things to happen and waiting for a change.

    I want to embrace the little moments and make the most of them for Christ.

    Your Word Collage is a great idea!

    I just might do it. ;)

  23. i love your collage, it's awesome; i so have to make my own! hmm, i wonder if we've got any canvases... though i've never heard the word "modge podge" in my life. :P
    i'm off to find a word. :D

  24. This is lovely, Hannah! And what a great idea. I believe my word for 2012 is LIVE. (:

  25. Whenever i read a new post on here i try to guess who it is before it's obvious and I guessed that it was you just by the first two pictures, Hannah. I love your photos and your collage is so great! i need to make one for my room!

  26. Pretty. :) Isn't it wonderful how simple, single words can be so inspiring?


  27. such a beautiful idea, and the collage turned out so wonderful.(:


  28. This is a great idea :) I'll have to try it!

  29. Love it!
    My word for 2012 is happiness... it has become my favorite word. :)

  30. You are crazy-inspiring, dear. Gorgeous collage and gorgeous post. Love this.

  31. my word is "brave." easy to say, hard to live.

    think i need to make one of these for myself. gorgeous, and very empowering idea.

  32. Oh, I love mod-podge!
    I think my word for 2012 is Believe.

  33. i didn't know you played the piano! i do too.
    this post was lovely, hannah! i really enjoyed the photos and what your wrote. i don't get into the whole 'what's your word for this year' thing, though. it doesn't suit me.

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