
a different part of california.

I've been to California numerous times to visit family, but usually my trips have been restricted to the more northern parts of the state. Last week, though, I ventured into the infamous metropolis that is Los Angeles.

It was, in a word, huge. I've said before that I'm a city girl, but this almost made me rethink that. If this is a real city, maybe I'm just more of a smaller urban environment girl. I like the variety and all the things to do, but it just felt a bit overwhelming at times, and it took forever to get from one place to another, giving me a whole new perspective on traffic. There were so many people and cars! But, who am I to complain? All of that aside, I greatly enjoyed my time in the city. I saw loads of art + architecture, went shopping (always a plus!), and ate a lot of great food. I got to see lots of things I'd only heard about or seen in movies or on TV. Oh, and I took some pictures.



  1. The 4th and 5th pictures are simply amazing! I love LA, traffic, people, craziness, and all! :)

  2. Ahh, it's LA! I love that city even though it's huge. :)

  3. Haha, I was born there. Great pictures. :-)

  4. Amazing. Wonderful pics + writing!

  5. beautiful! love the first one!

  6. Wow look at those pictures! Beautiful!! :)

  7. isn't it beautiful? i love cali.
    -jocee <3

  8. lovely pictures! and yes... huge is the right word to describe such place! it takes city girl to the next level. xo

  9. Sounds like you had a great time, despite the rather excessive hugeness of the place. :) I love the palm trees!

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  11. Bollards, also known as car, stops, are a type of bay that is defined as a “fence or barrier in the roadway.” They are usually shaped like cylindrical columns and installed perpendicular to the ground. Bollards are usually installed at intersections, crosswalk connections, or intersection openings to prevent casualties. Install bollards to prevent vehicles from driving onto the sidewalk in the unlikely event that they do. In the previous article, we mentioned a lot of knowledge about bollards. So, in today’s guide, we will educate you on the top twenty bollard manufacturers in 2023
